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Taste Cultures - Punk/Metal Culture

One of the most prominent taste cultures in my life is punk and metal culture. Although I don't have a distinct "punk-metal" look, I still share the same values of both countercultures. In Bennet's article "The Continuing Significance of Punk Rock for an Older Generation of Fans", he talks about how in older generations, "the need to tone down their visual punk image due to domestic and/or work commitments is countered by older punks through a discourse of punk having being internalized, becoming in effect a ‘part’ of the person, thus removing the need for the visual display of commitment to punk" (2006, p.15). I may not be exactly be apart of an older generation, but I still feel I have internalized a lot of the punk/metal values I've been exposed to in my life. There are numerous punk and metal bands and artists I listen to who's music has greatly impacted my life; some artists include; The Word Alive, Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, The Amity Affliction, and Rage Against the Machine amongst others.

“Stop your crying, helpless feeling, dry your eyes and start believing" - My Chemical Romance

What does punk and metal culture mean to me?

To me, punk and metal music is a representation of independence, uniqueness, and family. I never thought I would be exposed to apart of a community of individuals who value authenticity, speaking your mind, and good music! I will be forever grateful for this taste culture as it has acted as a therapist, a teacher, and a friend all in one.


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